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Darin Shiflett is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Life Ministries and has functioned in multiple rolls in ministry for more than 30 years. He has served in many capacities including church planter, worship pastor, evangelist, teacher, musician and vocalist.


Answering the call to minister outside the four walls of the church building, Darin also utilizes his giftings as an inventor and entrepreneur to build the Kingdom. In the marketplace, he's the co-owner of Emmons Guitar Co., and is propagating the Gospel to business people, social influencers, entertainers and many others.


Darin was born into a Pastor's home, and has served in ministry from a young age. His family spent eight years in foreign missions, serving two terms overseas. As a 4th generation minister of the Gospel, his passion is to build and establish Kingdom relationships, networks, systems and structures through apostolic leadership and equipping.


He is a passionate worshiper, psalmist, preacher and gifted teacher with a heart to see lives transformed through an authentic encounter with the Holy Spirit.  


Darin has a burning passion for reformation and transformation in the seven mountains of culture. He delivers a compelling summons to stir the body of Christ to return to the original design of the New Testament church, and become influencers for the Kingdom. Using strategic Biblical principles, he presents practical tactics to believers to activate them and advance them into their God-given destiny, while promoting Holiness, repentance and wholeness in body soul and spirit.


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Amanda Shiflett is the founder Prophetic Reformer and Co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband Darin. She is a Prophetic Minister who heard the Lord's call from a very young age. Amanda is a heralding voice of truth, holiness, and purity within the prophetic, and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come most especially to the current Prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the 5-fold within the body of Christ.  


Along with her calling as a Prophetess, Amanda also flows in a powerful worship and healing anointing, and is a gifted teacher and writer as well. Although she loves all aspects of the ministry that God has called her to, her personal passion is to see reformation come to the Body of Christ and the current prophetic movement. She also longs to see those in the Body of Christ reach their destinies - to see God's people break free from their strongholds and bondages, to walk in complete wholeness and freedom in Christ. She is honored and excited to serve the Lord in many capacities in the Kingdom, seeing lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit! 


Over a 10 year period, Amanda received overall training in biblical studies, with extensive training in prophecy, spiritual warfare, Hebraic roots, healing, and supernatural ministry, at various ministry schools. In addition, she also traveled and served under several national and international ministries during that time. She is constantly engaging in more study and understanding in the revelations of the Lord, and is actively involved in continuing education. 


Darin and Amanda Shiflett currently reside in Sevierville, TN


The Word of God is powerful! When it is preached, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Power of God is revealed, and lives are transformed! It is our privilege and duty to preach the FULL gospel of Jesus Christ!  



Prophecy has played a vital role in our lives and ministry. A true prophetic "word", given and received in a Divine moment, can propel people - churches - even nations, into their destiny as nothing else can! Our vision is to see lives changed as the prophetic goes forth, in word and in song. 



Teaching is imperative to growth in the Spirit. Too many in the body of Christ do not know what they believe, or why they believe it. It is our vision to see them discipled in the truth of scripture, and abounding in their inheritance as Kings and Priests in the Kingdom!


When we worship the Lord, He becomes real to us. When we see Him, and only Him, everything changes! We long to see people experience the Presence of the Lord in true worship, and see lives radically changed by an authentic encounter with the One True God!



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