The Word of God tells us that there is provisional healing and freedom for our body, soul, and spirit through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Scripture also tells that we will KNOW the truth, and the truth will make us free. Until we know the truth, we are ignorant to the pathways to total freedom. While some people encounter miraculous transformation and freedom instantaneously upon accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, others must work out their own salvation, healing and sanctification progressively. We are instructed to constantly renew our minds, and die daily, so that we can remain in close fellowship with God, and live righteously as sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.
Freedom For Life is a Biblical pathway to discovering and knowing freedom through Jesus Christ. We have personally encountered life-changing freedom through this teaching and have seen immediate transformation in the lives of many who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church. Through this curriculum, you will discover how to remove many roadblocks that prevent believers from fully receiving all of the benefits that were bought and paid for through Christs’ shed blood.
Here are the topics covered in Freedom For Life:
Who Is Our Enemy?
Why Are They Our Enemy?
What Is Satan's Strategy?
What Is God's Strategy?
The Two Access Points
The Five Doors
Closing The Doors
Soul Ties
The Strongmen
Binding The Strongman
Renouncing Freemasonry
This curriculum is formatted for individual counseling, or for small groups. If you would like more information, feel free to contact us and we will be glad to assist in any way that we can.